Man I gotta get me a coffee+condom combo
Man I gotta get me a coffee+condom combo
Sick art
I love the background tho, the effort put into it shows (also he's a pretty cool guy)
The chef peach is so adorable tho
These are some SICK enemy designs, the clay idea is dope
Ayo there's my main man Jerry
Me encanta que se ve que tu estilo es el mismo pero la mejora en los últimos dos años ha sido grande :)
Pues si! Se nota que tomarme un poco más en serio la anatomía ha ayudado XD
AMAZING colors
Great job! Big, multi-character pieces are always a treat to see, and if it's based on skullgirls then count me in! :)
I frikin love their designs oh my god they are so cool I adore the way you draw cloth!!!
I like doodling, so might as well show you some of my stuff.
I may be stupid gentlemen.
Deviant >:)
Spain with and without a
Joined on 6/5/23